

anyone that knows me knows that fairs are at the top of the list of things that make me happy- right next to carnivals, music festivals and parades. basically anywhere that provides overpriced lemonade and deep fried candy bars. so yesterday, my babe maria and i headed to our local county fair. i remember being younger and getting so excited to go to the fair. it was right around the time that you start getting your first crushes and experimenting with makeup. when you would go to the fair in the hopes of seeing the kid that you had a crush on at the end of the school year because it's now july and you missed them. you know what i mean. 

the fair isn't as glorious as it use to be, i guess because now i'm paying for my own caramel apples ($4. i nearly fell over) but there's still something so nostalgic about going and seeing the whole thing. anyways, we ate horribly delicious food, rode some rides and went thru the fun house before we decided we would be just as happy at the bar with an adult beverage. 
here's a few photos of our fair adventure! enjoy! 
i do NOT enjoy spinning rides. heights and speed? no problem. but spinning in circles is the worst. but when your best friend is begging you to face your fears and ride the thing, you just gotta. 
fun houses are not so fun when they add 15 pounds to your legs. yikes. 
if you wanna see past fair visits, you can check them out HERE and HERE!


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