

I would be lying if i didn't tell you guys I have seen a gorgeous mural in cincinnati sooo many times and turned my car around just to go and snap a photo of it. (this has happened more times than I would like to admit. Good thing everything that goes on the internet stays a secret) anyways, I thought it would be fun the other day to go around and snap a few photos of some of my favorite walls around my city. I love the detail that goes into each one and get so excited when i see a new one being started. and i've learned the hard way to snap a photo when you see it. don't wait. because they get redone alllll the time and it's a real bummer when you miss taking a photo of a masterpiece. 
Here are just a few from the other day, but I plan on adding to this photo collection. 
^ new creations! 
^ if you get down to OTR ever, check this baby out. so brilliant
^this was taken last fall, but it's too gorgeous to not include it. 



  1. Clearly I don't go to cool enough places in Cincinnati because I think I've never seen any of these in person. Maybe 1. But I want to! That abstract one is amazing.

  2. I haven't seen these before! Must do some more exploring...

  3. shoutout to Higher Level Art!
    They did the murals on the know Theatre.

  4. Your third picture down, good thing you got that picture because the building is gone.

  5. Great post on Cincy's beautiful murals! I loved that your experience was with nearly 100% different murals than my recent trip, so I added a link to your post here: https://everydaywanderer.com/2017/10/05/cincinnati-murals/

    I hope you will stop by and check it out!

    Happy wandering, Sage


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