
Every man jack

whether you prefer puppies or kittens, how much money you make or how you feel about the world at large- we can all agree that few things are better in this world than a good smellin' man. I've recently embarked on a brand spankin' new romantical relationship and I'm telling you- there's nothing that will make me melt into the floor faster than receiving a big bear hug and getting a nose full of a guy that smells good, especially when he's yours. hubba hubba! there were countless times that I would smell him and say "mmm you smell like Andrew" and he would smirk and it was cute but I eventually decided it was time to ask what exactly that smell was. Unfortunately for me, it's store bought and not his natural pheromones. But fortunately for the rest of the world, your man can smell like this right out of the shower, too.

Once I asked Andrew what exactly it was that I was smelling, he immediately responded with Every Man Jack. A masculine bath and body line that features numerous scents that are ... earthy smelling? you know what i mean. Sandalwood and eucalyptus and cedarwood and stuff like that. i mean, how is a girl supposed to focus on anything when her dude is walking around smelling like a sexy lumberjack? hanging up drywall and saving kittens out of trees? it's almost not fair how good these smell. so once i spoke with the guys running Every Man Jack, I knew I was happy to jump on board with their brand. They're well priced and available at numerous stores such as Target, Walgreens and Whole Foods and online as well. So for any ladies out there looking for some easy AF stocking stuffers this season, or any guys just looking to smell deeeelicious around the office, check out Every Man Jack !!  

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