
JD's Digs

a happiest of falls to you! while it's getting colder and nastier outside, i find myself becoming closer and closer with my couch. we've gotten to have a very intimate relationship lately, as i would rather hang out with it more than i would rather do anything else out there. throw in netflix and chinese takeout and you won't be seeing me until spring. i light a few candles, throw in a load of laundry to feel as though i'm contributing to the world (by way of cleaning clothes) and just veg out. these legs haven't seen a razor in weeks and i'm scared to see my heating bill this month. 

Still, while my social life takes a real beating during the colder months, i always try and take a minute to look around this little home i've created and take it all in. i work hard to make a home that i'm proud of and it feels good when others enjoy it, too. i went out to dinner with my mom a few nights back and while we had a great time and there were plenty of laughs, this feeling came over me as though i hit a wall and i instantly thought to myself "holy shit. i cannot wait to get home. i love my home. i miss my house. i'm ready to be back in my little world" is that weird? do you ever just find yourself out and about doing life and you just miss your home? maybe i'm crazy. don't answer that. 

i dont' have a lot of money to throw into decorating or adding expensive pieces to this place so i feel pretty lucky that i can find bargains. practically everything you see in my apartment (except for the couch. that big, squishy, beautiful couch that calls my name daily) was thrifted. i've lived in my fair share of apartments out there. i've lived by myself and with others and this place will always hold a huge spot in my heart. my building use to be a store front a million years ago and i wish wish wish these walls could talk. i would love to know what kinds of stories and people and lives were attached to this place and i'm just happy to say that i've left my mark here, too. here's a few photos i took yesterday of around my little home. nothing special. just mine. hope you enjoy! 
also, click the link on the right hand side labeled "JD's Digs" for more home tour photos :)


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