

I won't ruin your guy's day and tell you how much i spent on this beautiful piece of furniture. because you would cry. but i found it at the thrift store and fell in love. luckily for me, my cousin's husband told her she couldn't have it so it was all mine. (love you, Brie! and thanks Kyle ;) ) with very little effort, it shaped up rather nicely. it was missing that bottom left hand drawer, but amazingly enough my record player fit perfectly in that spot. here's a quick process! 
i'm pretty proud of this piece. the stain cost more than the dresser itself and i've been looking for a dresser with those gorgeous peg legs for months. It's a Mainline by Hooker which makes beautiful pieces. Advice: Always stain with the grain, stir (never shake) your stain and let each stain application sit for 6 hours (i only did two coats) 

oh and by the way, the dresser was $3. ok you can hate me now. 



  1. that is gorgeous!! i was looking for a mid century type piece like this to be a dresser/changing table but didn't have any luck. we found a big clunky dresser than we repainted...and it's niiiice, but it's not THIS. i'm jealous! it looks fantastic! :)

  2. I hated you when you IGed this and now I hate you even more (ok so I don't HATE you, but you get it)
    its so wonderful. im so jealous of your thrift stores and finds. I need to come to cincy. BYE.

  3. Seriously. Maybe I need to start commissioning you to find me amazing furniture, because when the piece is $3, I could certainly afford a fee. It's beautiful - nice job cleaning her up!


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