
the spca reindog walk!

yesterday was the annual SPCA Reindog walk in Mt. Adams. a favorite around this house, as Bronson loves nothing more than being around other dogs and showing off his Christmas sweaters. the bar that I work at on the weekends is right in the middle of all the action, so we were sure to get a good parking spot and a bloody mary before the fun began! this is one of my favorite events for the holidays around the city because 1. it's free 2. it's for a great cause and 3. did i mention the puppy Christmas sweaters?? I have no idea what kind of sedatives these dogs were on but you should have seen these get-ups. A few of my favorites are photographed below. Dogs and their owners come from all over this fine city to walk the parade with pride and it's pretty great to see. Also, two years ago. in the same sweater and on the same street corner!
^ they spray painted this little Grinch dog! 

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