
no scrooges allowed

a few photos from this weekend and it was a pretty damn good one. we had the Reindog walk on Saturday, finally finished the tree decorating with berries, popcorn and cinnamon ornaments and watched Home Alone 1 & 2 back to back yesterday. Also yesterday was spent watching while Andrew made one of the most delicious dinners of my life. I tried to contribute and made some sort of chocolate cake thing but messed it up. it was awful. he ate it anyway. This morning we hit up the thrift store to grab an ornament. our first of many I plan for us to get every year! (and the little santa ornament only cost me 54 cents- the number to beat for next year!) and now, we're off to go see the Awaited Christmas musical at Crossroads Church and I am sooo excited. this will be my 4th year? i think? i can't remember. but we're taking my dad and step mom out to dinner and the show and i've been looking forward to it since fall. I hope everyone had as great as weekend as I did! 

1 comment

  1. Isn't December the best? And the hot cocoa stuff looks amazing.


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