
the SPCA Christmas Reindog Parade

am i the only one out there that feels like december is just flying by? we're already half way thru and it's only moving faster and faster! i will say, i've gotten a few holiday traditions checked off my list: i've put up my tree and decorations around the house, blared the holiday music and made more cookies than i would like to admit. we went to pick out a christmas tree at findlay market a few weeks ago and then decided that money would be better spent on a yummy and overpriced lunch (priorities, ya know?)

 That being said, there are plenty of Holiday things around the city that I desperately want to get around to in the next few weeks. So this past weekend, after hearing about it from friends, i was so excited to get Bronson out to the Reindeer Walk hosted by the Cincinnati SPCA. it was the most hilarious thing i have ever witnessed in my life! we got there right in time to miss registration. (parking in Mt. Adams is  such a nightmare. like, we nearly turned around and went home like a  couple of pissed off Grinches.) but we finally found a nice piece of grass that a few cars before us had turned into an impromptu parking lot and it was good enough for us. Since we were late, there were plenty of people already lined up on both sides of the street as we walked thru and holy lord, I wish you could have heard how many people commented on how handsome Bronson was. and the scariest part was i'm pretty sure he could hear them.  let's just say his chest was puffed out a little bit farther that day. We got him this sweater from the little boy's section at the thrift store. Sorry, Petsmart! That handsome little sweater was just a dollar! and I don't know what it is about this dog but he LOVES to wear clothes. like, cries when you take them off of him and sits calmly and patiently waiting for you to put them on him. maybe it's a comfort thing? maybe this apartment is too cold? who knows but i think he looks pretty precious. the reindeer antlers didn't last long, but that was to be expected. 

So since we wound up being so late, we decided to just stand and observe the parade as it went by and i think it worked out for the best.  i loved seeing all of the crazy puppy costumes walking passed us. the people took so much pride in their pups! dogs in sleds and wearing elf shoes and santa hats. the smell of milk bones in the air. can you say magic?!? and, since we've kept Bronson pretty socialized from the time that we got him,  he has never met a stranger and was straining so hard to meet every dog and human that walked by. we even walked past plenty of bars and restaurants that were dog friendly for the day, but decided that this little monster would surely run wild and trip a waitress. 
it was a lot of fun to see a community come together for such a cool event and here are a few of the photos I took while we were there!  
^ i don't know these women that were perched on a bar balcony, but i thought they were fabulous ^
^ the parade coming down the hill ^
^ Bronson selfies & puppies in pub ^
^ "How the Pooch Stole Christmas" sled and my little man checking everyone out ^ 
hope everyone else is having a great holiday season so far! and the pups, too! 

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