
when someone you love cuts off your hair

We had our wedding this past Friday night. And I'll get more into that whole story another day, when I can really sit down and put my thoughts into words (I have so much advice it's not even funny) but today is Sunday. And I've looked forward to today for as long as I looked forward to the wedding itself. We have nothing but memories, our house is almost back in order, and.... Drum roll... I got my first in forever big haircut. I'm not sure how much exactly, but it feels like a lot. It looks like a lot. And when I knew I wanted a drastic haircut, I text my best friend and showed her what I wanted. The conversation went something like "what do ya think?" and she responded with "FUCK YES" or something like that. There was no one I would trust more than her to hack all of this shit off.

Ashley has been one of life's biggest blessing to me for almost ten years when we first met (thank you myspace) She has seen every good and bad thing to happen to me and loved me through every boyfriend, girlfriend, and drunken fight. We may have made out once or twice which is, again, a story for another day. The point is- we're pretty tight. So once she knew I was engaged, her gift to me was beyond perfect and all hair related. She colored and trimmed it a few weeks back and then even styled it for the actual wedding day. But what we both knew I was looking forward to more than anything was the post-wedding cut. I wanted to get rid of so much hair and there is no one I would trust more than her. A new chapter. A new life. A new husband. A new a lot of things. And I wanted to get rid of most of this tangled, damaged, and bleached mess on my head. (the last ID photo I had made, I'm rocking a messy bun on top of my head and no makeup so I'm hoping this new ID will be a goooood one! Even if I'm still not sure how to pronounce my new last name.)

Letting someone you love cut your hair is special. It's a big deal. And I wouldn't want some stranger screaming over a blow dryer to be any part of it. The memory of my first short haircut in 10 years deserved to only be created by someone I love. And I'm so happy with it. Our wedding is over, our new dishes are put away,  my wedding dress is folded up in a box, I have a brand new husband and an even newer haircut. Not too bad of a weekend!

1 comment

  1. I have no idea what you've said because I can't stop staring at your wedding set! 😍😍😍😍


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