
bitchin' from the kitchen

I guess I'm no different than any other bitchy bride out there but I'm soo ready for this wedding to be here so life can go back to normal. We are knee deep in it, going a million miles, and knocking out our check list left and right and it's super exciting but I'm very much ready to relax and eat what I want again.. oh, and cut my hair. I can't wait to chop off all this hair. New last name, new short bob with layers.  I have a very clear picture in my mind of my new haircut and it makes me positively giddy! but, in the meantime, we're trying to get sexier over here. Andrew has joined a gym and I have been doing my very best to avoid carbs at all costs. I count out crackers and read labels and obsess over trying to lose this little belly pooch if it kills me. While I know that no one is force feeding me and it's 100% my own genetic, lazy fault, I do partially blame my birth control (in all fairness, my doctor did say "you will 100% gain weight on this" ... I didn't care. So I knew what I was getting into) but man! 

It is hard! It is so stressful to worry that your dress won't fit or that your photos will pick up any imperfections. You'll see later, this dress has no room under the service for corsets and girdles and magical tape. It puts it allll out there... So here I am, trying my best to become more acquainted to my kitchen. I'm eating more fruits and vegetables than I ever have in my life and I feel good about it but mannnnn I can't wait until our first official day as husband and wife, putting our apartment back in order and opening up all of our new wedding registry goodies and loading up our kitchen with new pots and pans...  To make me all the pasta and bread I want! Mwahaha *insert laugh/crying emoji here* 

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